Pokémon Insurgence - Die Qual der Wahl (Teil 2)

Heute ist es endlich so weit, liebe Leser - die Herausforderung beginnt diesmal wirklich.

Zunächst jedoch müssen wir uns einen Weg durch das hohe Gras bahnen - hoffentlich kommt kein allzu starkes Pokémon hervorgesprungen!

Hm. Was auch immer das ist, es ist glücklicherweise nur auf Level 4 und somit keine Bedrohung für das Mew, was sich uns anschloss. Unglücklicherweise sind wir jedoch noch nicht im Besitz von Pokébällen, weshalb wir auf dieser Route nichts mehr fangen dürfen.

Sobald wir diese Route verlassen, stellt sich heraus, dass Mew uns zwar nun für's Erste verlässt, wir es aber mit der sogenannten "Quartzflöte" jederzeit rufen können. Kurz nach dieser Enthüllung pirscht sich ein Junge an uns heran und fragt uns, ob wir ein Mew gesehen hätten.

Did you see it? A tiny pink Pokémon? It was floating really close to you!


I... I knew it! I've always wanted to see a Pokémon that rare! This could be my break! I could trav- ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

My name is Damian. I'm an aspiring Pokémon trainer! And you are ... ? Mr. Cool? Got it! You came to Telnor Town at the perfect time! The Augur - the greatest man in the world, of course - is coming today! You know who the Augur is, of course?


How could you not? Have you been living under a rock? He's the guy who protects the region! He's my biggest hero! The mayor and the townsfolk have been preparing ever since this morning. I'm excited! I was just running errands until he arrives! I know! Why don't you help out? We're assigning jobs in the Town Hall! You know, cleaning and so on.

Also machen wir uns auf, diesem Jungen mitten in der Nacht bei den Vorbereitungen zum morgigen Volksfest zu helfen. Immerhin müssten sie ja bald Feierabend machen...

Mann: Nice to meet you, Mr. Cool. Well, Damian, I think we're pretty well finished. As long as you have your gift for the Augur ready, I think you're done. You do have your gift, right?

Damian: Oh... um... ... ... I may have... forgotten.

Mann: Of course you have... You better find one, and fast. I heard you could find a Rare Stone in one of the caves in the forest. Of course, you'd need a Pokémon to go safely...

Frau: No, absolutely not! Not a chance! Damian is not ready to get a Pokémon! He's still just a child!

Damian: Mom, please. Everyone else in the town already got theirs and have left!

Frau: And you'll not follow them! You'll get yourself killed!

Damian: Why do you care? It's not like you're my real mother or anything...

Frau: I raised you since birth! You're not capable of raising a plant, let alone a Pokémon! You're irresponsible, antisocial, and you can't even-

Man: That's ENOUGH out of you two. You're embarrassing us. You said your name was... Mr. Cool? I'm sure you've handled a Pokémon before. We'll lend one to you and Damian. Would you be willing to help him through the forest to the cave to help him find a gift for the Augur?

(Seufz... Yes)

Wonderful! I'm very grateful. So it's settled, then. Mr. Cool will help Damien to get a gift for the Augur, and if Damian shows responsibility, perhaps he can keep the Pokémon afterwards. Well? How does that sound?

Frau: Fine. He won't, though.

Damian: Mr. Cool, let's go. I'll meet you in the Professor's Lab to get an Eevee. She has a bunch of Eevee from her days as a trainer... The Lab is just in the southeastern corner of the town. I'll see you there.

...I really hope I don't mess this up... ... ... ...

Hey, Mr. Cool... thanks for agreeing to do this with me. It really means a lot.

Nachdem wir in die Familienangelegenheiten Damians hineingezogen wurden, ist es endlich an der Zeit, uns ein Pokémon zu besorgen - auf ins Labor (zumindest, nachdem wir ein paar Bälle und Tränke geschenkt bekommen).

Dort angekommen, erwartet uns das nächste Storyevent. :joy:

Mann: No other trainer would want them, and we can't keep them any longer. All I want is for you to take them. You already keep a bunch of Eevee as is, surely these three won't be a bother?

Prof: ...why do you care about them? I know what you've done.

Mann: It's true, I'm merciless. I've done some awful things. But there's no reason for these Pokémon to die.

Damian: Um... hello? I'm Damian and this is Mr. Cool... We're here to get a Pokémon so we can go into the forest safely.

Mann: .




Sylvan, if you don't take these Pokémon, I'll release them and they are sure to die in the wild. If you want, you can just give them to these kids, right? ...

Prof: Put them on the table.

Mann: Very well. (Legt Bälle auf den Tisch und geht) Excuse me, please.

Prof: So you two are in need of a Pokémon?

Damian: Yes, ma'am.

Prof: I see. That man that was in here just now, he was one of my colleagues in university. He's a smart man, and a great scientist. . . . . He's also the leader of the Cult of Perfection.

Damian: A... a cult leader? Those people are evil, Professor! You shouldn't be talking to them, let alone be accepting gifts from them!

Prof: Tell me, Damian, Mr. Cool. Have you ever heard of something called "Delta Species"?


Damian: Me neither.

Prof: Then allow me to explain. Delta Pokémon are based on a phenomenon in the Holon Region, far away. They're Pokémon that have different DNA than normal Pokémon. Simply put, they're typed differently than normal. An example would be an Electric-type Dragonite, or a Water-type Porygon. These Pokémon on the table now are Deltas. I'm not sure what type they are, but they seem to be experiments of Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. They're scientific marvels. I would love to keep one to study. Now! Normally, I would give you an Eevee to start you off on your journey. However, it seems there are three more options for you to choose from. So, I will offer you this. You may choose one of the three Delta Pokémon to travel with, or the Eevee I normally give away. If you want an Eevee, talk to me. Otherwise, take your pick.

Damian: Mr. Cool, I don't know what to do. I don't like the idea of Pokémon made by a murderer... ...but I don't like the idea of these Pokémon left all alone forever. You can pick, but hurry up! We don't know when the Augur is arriving!

Natürlich lassen wir Bisasam und Co. in der Wildniss sterben, nicht wahr? Leider bietet sich hier ein Problem: Aufgrund der Solochallenge können wir jedes Pokémon wählen, was es im Dex gibt... Diese werden jedoch trotz dessen als Unbekannt angezeigt.

Also, auf gut Glück!

Damian: Mr. Ultracool, I think you're right. I'm going to pick a Delta Pokémon, just like you. Hey, Mr. Cool... before we go out into the Shade Forest, how about a battle? It'll be the perfect time to test out our new Pokémon! Let's go!

Endlich ist er also da, der erste Kampf von diesem Höllenritt. Seltsamerweise ist Billys Level jedoch höher als das seines Gegners?

Trotz der Tatsache, dass ihr Konfusstrahl ihren Gegner verwirren konnte, musste sie durch die nervige Psywelle ihres Feindes mit einem Trank von mir geheilt werden. Nachdem sich Erstauner jedoch im Gegensatz zu Blutsauger als sehr effektiv herausstellte, konnte sie ihren ersten Kampf für sich entscheiden!

Damian: Wow, you're a great battler! Do you think maybe you could take on a Gym someday? Alright, Mr. Cool. Here's the deal. I'm going to head north into Shade Forest. At the northern end of the forest is a really large cave, and in the middle of that cave is the Rare Stone we're looking for. I'll meet you there, OK?

Prof: Mr. Cool, can I talk to you for a moment? Damian rushed off before I could give him one, but I'd like you to have this. (Pokédex erhalten!) This is the Pokédex, short for Pokémon Index. It is a data collection of all Pokémon that I give to trainers. If you see a Pokémon, it will be registered in the Pokédex. If you catch one, the Pokédex will be full of Data regarding that Pokémon! Anyways, now that you've gotten that, you're all set to go on your adventure. Head up north to Telnor Cave, deep in the forest. Be careful, and good luck!

So, die Reise hat eben erst begonnen und schon gibt es eine potenzielle Hürde. Das Traunmagil (laut Dex) des Rivalen konnten wir zwar bezwingen, doch werden wir das, was auf uns zukommen wird, ebenfalls meistern können? Wir werden es herausfinden!


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