HopefulSwallow Bisafan
- Weiblich
- 26
- aus Auf Wolke 8 ❤
- Bisafan seit 24. Januar 2013
- Letzte Aktivität:
- Beiträge
- 216
- Bilder
- 2
- Erhaltene Reaktionen
- 44
- Erfahrungspunkte
- 7.000
- Medaillen
- 6
- Profil-Aufrufe
- 3.028
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.greenchu.de/sprites/xy/330.gif] [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.greenchu.de/sprites/xy/385.gif] [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.greenchu.de/sprites/xy/381.gif] [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.greenchu.de/sprites/xy/492a.gif]
[tabmenu] [tab=HopefulSwallow] [Blockierte Grafik: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/174/8/5/swellow_by_hikari912-d54k6r3.jpg] [tab=That is Who I am] | a crazy dancer | a freak | a dreamer | someone who is singing doesn't matter if the lyric is known or not | someone who isn't afraid of showing the world who he is | someone cheeky | someone happy| someone lovely | someone with confident |[Blockierte Grafik: http://wallpaperswa.com/thumbnails/detail/20120725/blondes%20touhou%20flowers%20happy%20anime%20flower%20petals%20medicine%20melancholy%20anime%20girls%20games%201600x1200_wallpaperswa.com_9.jpg] [tab=My passion] | music | dancing |books | writing | laughing | [Blockierte Grafik: http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/694399-bigthumbnail.jpg][/tabmenu]